Installing Joomla! 1.5

Let's have a look at the install of Joomla 1.5 (beta so far).
First, you select the language to be used for the install process.
All following steps will then be provided in a translated version!

Then the installer checks your PHP etc versions,
and if support for requiered extensions is present;
items needing to be corrected will be highlighted.
Follows the License which you can (and should!) read yourself!

Database configuration is an important step; you will need
your hoster-provided or self-created user credentials here!
Please also note the Advanced Settings tab (closed by default)
which you will want to use for example to change the
table prefix (from default jos_ to whatever suits you) in
case you only have one databse, but want to run more
than one Joomla! site..

Finally, the last step before you finish lets you set the
main email for the site, admin password
(carefull if you don't use your own but accept the provided one: write it down, it can't be recovered!),
and also default content.
I strongly suggest you test-install the beta with the sample content,
it contains many helpfull details about new features, UI changes and so on!!
Once you're familiar with the interface, try out the migration tool:
install the component into any live site,
create migration file,
grab the created content file,
re-install (drop existing tables),
and instead of the sample content, load your migration script.
Then copy over your images/stories self-created media (images), and test the site.. have fun!
Labels: installer, joomla 1.5 beta, screenshots